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Percona Backup for MongoDB diagnostics tools

Percona Backup for MongoDB provides diagnostics tools to operate data backups.


pbm-speed-test allows field-testing compression and backup upload speed of logical backups. You can use it:

  • To check performance before starting a backup

  • To find out what slows down the running backup

By default, pbm-speed-test operates with fake semi random data documents. To run pbm-speed-test on a real collection, provide a valid MongoDB connection URI string for the --mongodb-uri flag.

Run pbm-speed-test for the full set of available commands.

Compression test

$ pbm-speed-test compression --compression=s2 --size-gb 10
Sample output
Test started ....
10.00GB sent in 8s.
Avg upload rate = 1217.13MB/s.

pbm-speed-test compression uses the compression library from the config file and sends a fake semi random data document (1 GB by default) to the black hole storage. (Use the pbm config command to change the compression library).

To test compression on a real collection, pass the --sample-collection flag with the <my_db.my_collection> value.

Run pbm-speed-test compression --help for the full set of supported flags:

$ pbm-speed-test compression --help
usage: pbm-speed-test compression

Run compression test

      --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try
                                 --help-long and --help-man).
      --mongodb-uri=MONGODB-URI  MongoDB connection string
  -c, --sample-collection=SAMPLE-COLLECTION
                                 Set collection as the data source
  -s, --size-gb=SIZE-GB          Set data size in GB. Default 1
      --compression=s2           Compression type
                                 Compression level (specific to the compression type)

Upload speed test

$ pbm-speed-test storage --compression=s2
Sample output
Test started
1.00GB sent in 1s.
Avg upload rate = 1744.43MB/s.

pbm-speed-test storage sends the semi random data (1 GB by default) to the remote storage defined in the config file. Pass the --size-gb flag to change the data size.

To run the test with the real collection’s data instead of the semi random data, pass the --sample-collection flag with the <my_db.my_collection> value.

Run pbm-speed-test storage --help for the full set of available flags:

$ pbm-speed-test storage --help
usage: pbm-speed-test storage

Run storage test

      --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --mongodb-uri=MONGODB-URI  MongoDB connection string
  -c, --sample-collection=SAMPLE-COLLECTION
                                 Set collection as the data source
  -s, --size-gb=SIZE-GB          Set data size in GB. Default 1
      --compression=s2           Compression type <none>/<gzip>/<snappy>/<lz4>/<s2>/<pgzip>/<zstd>
                                Compression level (specific to the compression type)

Backup progress tracking

If you have a large logical backup, you can track the backup progress in the logs of the pbm-agent that makes it. A line is appended every minute showing bytes copied vs. total size for the current collection.

Start a backup:

$ pbm backup

Check backup progress:

  1. Check what pbm-agent makes the backup:

    pbm logs
  2. Connect to the mongod server where the pbm-agent is running and check its logs

    $ journalctl -u pbm-agent.service
    Sample output
    2020/05/06 21:31:12 Backup 2020-05-06T18:31:12Z started on node rs2/localhost:28018
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.797+0300 writing admin.system.users to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.799+0300 done dumping admin.system.users (2 documents)
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.800+0300 writing admin.system.roles to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.807+0300 done dumping admin.system.roles (1 document)
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.807+0300 writing admin.system.version to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.815+0300 done dumping admin.system.version (3 documents)
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.816+0300 writing test.testt to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.829+0300 writing test.testt2 to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.829+0300 writing config.cache.chunks.config.system.sessions to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.832+0300 done dumping config.cache.chunks.config.system.sessions (1 document)
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.834+0300 writing config.cache.collections to archive on stdout
    2020-05-06T21:31:14.835+0300 done dumping config.cache.collections (1 document)
    2020/05/06 21:31:24 [##......................]   test.testt  130841/1073901  (12.2%)
    2020/05/06 21:31:24 [##########..............]  test.testt2   131370/300000  (43.8%)
    2020/05/06 21:31:24
    2020/05/06 21:31:34 [#####...................]   test.testt  249603/1073901  (23.2%)
    2020/05/06 21:31:34 [###################.....]  test.testt2   249603/300000  (83.2%)
    2020/05/06 21:31:34
    2020/05/06 21:31:37 [########################]  test.testt2  300000/300000  (100.0%)

pbm-agent logs

Version added: 1.4.0

To troubleshoot issues with specific events or node(s), use the pbm logs command. It provides logs of all pbm-agent processes in your environment.

pbm logs has the set of filters to refine logs for specific events like backup, restore, pitr or for a specific node, and to manage log verbosity level. For example, to view logs about a specific backup with the Debug verbosity level, run the pbm logs command as follows:

$ pbm logs --severity=D --event=backup/2020-10-15T17:42:54Z

To learn more about available filters and usage examples, refer to Viewing backup logs.

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Last update: October 2, 2024
Created: October 2, 2024